Hands massaging along a woman's shoulder blade

Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic massage combines techniques from Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue, Myofascial Release, and more.

Essential Therapeutic Relief

30 Minutes | $65

Good for specific, focused work on one area.

45 Minutes | $75

This is the perfect amount of time for an upper-body massage.

60 Minutes | $100

Good for the whole body, or for serious upper-body focus.

Complete Therapeutic Relief

75 Minutes | $130

A full body treatment plus extra time to spend on an area of more tension.

Maximum Therapeutic Relief

90 Minutes | $150

Choose this for a full-body massage session with extra time spent on more than one trouble area.

Specialized Therapeutic Relief - Prenatal Massage

60 Minutes | $100

Special attention is paid to positioning and bolstering to make this massage session safe and comfortable for all stages of a normal, low-risk pregnancy.

Free Enhancements

Add any of these products or techniques to your session for no additional charge.

Static/Fixed Cupping

Polycarbonate cups and a manual pump are used for static cupping, and as the name implies, the cups are left in place for up to 3 minutes.  After this technique is used you may see the circular bruises that form when the superficial capillaries are broken.  They are generally not painful and fade within a week.

Dynamic/Sliding Cupping

Russian-made pliable silicone cups are used in conjunction with massage to provide negative pressure (suction) to the skin.  This technique lifts the tissue instead of pressing on it.  Since I glide the cups along the skin instead of leaving them in one place, you won’t end up with the round bruises associated with static cupping.  The technique is painless and relaxing.

Percussion Massage

Pain Relief Oils or Lotions

Percussion massage, or vibration, can be applied using open hands or soft fists, or mechanically with a massage gun as shown here. There are a couple of reasons this feels good, as explained below in a excerpt from PainScience.com, by Paul Ingraham:

  1. Proprioceptive confusion. Proprioception is the sense of position or movement, our under-appreciated “sixth” sense. If you move or shake the body at random, the cerebellum gets a deluge of nonsensical proprioceptive data, sensory information about movements that the brain did not plan. Assuming a safe and healthy emotional context, the nervous system, overwhelmed by the flood of stimuli, willingly “gives up” and stops resisting the movement — an unusual state.

  2. Sensory novelty. Fresh and unusual sensations are the bedrock of massage therapy: when we get a good massage, we experience many sensations that are unique to that context, and that is half the appeal. But vibration delivers especially strong and distinctive sensory novelty: it feels like nothing else, and it feels like the opposite of feeling stuck. Like splashing cool water on your face when you’re hot, vibration feels like a natural antidote to stillness, stiffness, and stagnation.

I use products from Apothecanna, Mary’s Medicinals, Mary’s Nutritionals, Mary Jane’s Medicinals, and Susan’s CBD.  All of these products are made here in Colorado.  Information about these companies and products can be found here:


Mary's Nutritionals

Mary's Medicinals     

Mary Jane's Medicinals   

Susan's CBD

Medical Massage

Focused, specific massage for treatment of injuries

If you've been injured in an auto accident, soft tissue work can help greatly with your recovery.  I have extensive experience in treating the soft tissue injuries (muscles, ligaments, tendons) seen with car accidents. Treatment-focused medical massage can help you recover more quickly from the acute headaches, neck and back pain, and muscle strains or sprains that you may have suffered as a result of your accident.

I will bill the Medical Payments portion of your auto insurance ("MedPay") for you so you can concentrate on healing.

If you are filing a claim with the at-fault party’s auto insurance, I will provide you with treatment notes and superbills so you can request reimbursement for your payments.

Book your massage.